Conscious colour viewing

Purple painting

Consciously looking at a particular colour can influence your mood. If you would like to delve deeper into colour observation, you can try meditating on your colour image. Here you will find a short meditation guide to get you started:

First, hang your picture in a place where you can be undisturbed. Then set an alarm clock with the recommended meditation time. (Between 10 and 15 minutes)

Sit in a comfortable position with your upper body upright. It is recommended that the picture hangs at eye level in this position. Allow your shoulders to drop loosely.

Now look at your picture in a relaxed manner without staring. Consciously feel your breathing. Then focus your attention exclusively on the colour in front of you. The first few attempts in particular will not be perfect straight away. It is completely normal for distracting thoughts to interfere with your concentration, especially at the beginning. Don’t put yourself under pressure, then concentrate on your breathing again and let the distracting thoughts pass. Gradually you will become more and more practised at this, you will become noticeably more concentrated and you will find it easier and easier to meditate on your colour over time.

Your introduction to conscious colour observation in bullet points:

  • Quiet meditation place
  • Set an alarm clock
  • Comfortable sitting position
  • Picture at eye level
  • Looking relaxed at the colour
  • Let disturbing thoughts go
  • Consciously perceive your breathing

Try to meditate regularly, preferably at the same time, so that a habit develops.

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